The result of these various promptings is below. It will be evident that some of my criteria are in tension with each other (e.g., I've deliberately retained the word 'Lord' to reflect the biblical witnesses' own re-framing of the term). Specific echoes of the Basis will be very easily heard. I post the statement here for reflection and comment. It remains a work in progress and I'd value both critique and suggestions for improvement.
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We trust one God: the Love, Life and Truth who is the source and sustainer of all that was, is and will be.
We trust Jesus Christ, Love from Love, Life from Life, Truth from Truth, Eternity’s Wisdom, Creation’s Lord, Israel's Messiah, God among us.
Sent from the very
heart of God's love for the world, he became human in the womb of Mary. He came
not to be served but to serve.
Hailing from Nazareth, he proclaimed the long-promised and coming reign of God; he befriended outcasts, healed the sick, forgave sinners, confronted falsehood, and showed mercy to his enemies.
Hailing from Nazareth, he proclaimed the long-promised and coming reign of God; he befriended outcasts, healed the sick, forgave sinners, confronted falsehood, and showed mercy to his enemies.
Reaching Jerusalem, riding
a donkey, prompting hosannas, he offered himself as the servant Lord; he was
rejected, abandoned and betrayed; he was crucified on a Roman cross as a false
Dead in Joseph of
Arimathea’s tomb, God raised
him; the human verdict was reversed; his mission was vindicated; his
reconciliation of the world to God was declared.
Appearing, speaking
and eating, his transformed body provoked fear, doubt, joy and hope; his resurrection
announced the defeat of death; he reassured his confused followers and
commissioned them as witnesses to his way, truth and life.
Returning, now scarred
and bruised, to the One who sent him, he shares in Love’s rule and receives the worship of his sisters and brothers from
every culture, class and nation.
We trust the Holy Spirit, the loving and lively
breath of God, who flows in, around and within the whole creation.
This same Spirit spoke
through Israel's prophets, inspired Jesus' ministry, and gathers a community,
the church, through which Christ bears witness to himself.
Sent by the Spirit,
the church, like Jesus, is called to serve; in ever-fresh words and deeds, it is
to proclaim the risen crucified Jesus Christ; its vocation is to witness to
God's renewal of all creation, for which it waits with an impatient but sure
and active hope.
This is the church’s faith. In this Triune God we trust. God grant us
so to live. Amen.
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